Women's Collection out now

Fazaail e Sadaqat




Book Name: “Fazaa’il -E- Sadaqaat” (Original)

Author: Shaikhul Hadith Maulana Muhammad Zakariyya Saahib

Paper Type: Imported Offset

Pages: 815

Language: English

Subject: Stories and Virtues

Published by: Zam Zam Publishers

Description of the Book

Hadhrat Sheikhul Hadeeth, Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya Kandhlawi (rahmatullai alayh), would often mention that people nowadays perform much ibaadat but are not focused towards the Aakhirah and don’t think much about death. It was for this reason “Fazaail-e-Sadaqaat” which is which is translated as “Virtues of Charity”. However, a major portion of this book contains many Ahaadit discussing aspects of contentment, family ties, disinterest in this world, Death and the Aakhirah. These chapters create a desire in the hearts of the readers to aspire for the lofty positions of the Aakhirah promised by Allah Ta’ala for those remaining in His obedience.

Our senior Ulama and Akaabir (elders) have stressed that this book must be read daily in all Muslim homes. By reading this kitab in our homes, Insha Allah there will be more consciousness of the Aakhirah created in our hearts and minds and we will realise the real purpose of our creation.

This master piece was translated many years into the English language by Professor Abdul Karim and Malik Haq Nawaaz. This translation was then revised by Dr Mazhar Mahmood Qureshi and Khawjah Ihsanul Haq. May Allah Ta’ala reward them abundantly for their efforts in presenting this excellent book to the English reading public.